Busy days alternate with quiet ones as summer draws to a close. The families with children have returned home, most schools have started again. The high temperatures are tempered by cooling thunderstorms and leaves are already starting to fall from the walnut tree. Long live the leaf blower, and Peter of course handling it! And doesn't even think about the snow blower who is eager to get back into action.
There are now slowly gaps in the room reservations, which in turn offers opportunities for cyclists and hikers who do not like to record all shelters from home on their route and prefer to stop where they want. It was a busy summer and we are so happy with the many bookings, events and contacts we have had in recent weeks. From the world traveler from Israel who is looking for the meaning of life to hiking, vegan Americans and regular visitors of the Mölltal who would have liked to have eaten a schnitzel with us but are surprised to see that the old restaurant of that time has passed on to those tall and determined Dutchmen. How do you end up here like this?, is the question. We are thinking about handing out headphones with which people can take a tour around our building and thus get an explanation about our almost I-Leave-and-I-Stay-Sure story... But it is heartwarming to hear how holidaymakers (mostly our age) envy us at the sight of that beautiful property and wish us good luck because they grant it to us so much and had such a great time with us. It recharges us when we puff out after we have picked up the beds like a spear in the morning, cleaned the bathrooms and replenished the chocolates. Okay, that charger that we find next to the bed a bit later, we keep for a while with the swimming trunks that still hung over the radiator. We do not yet have a Lost and Found desk because Peter is now busy setting up the ski room in the basement, but who knows.
In the meantime I turned 60 and it feels like when I turned 50 and just had a relationship with Peter: a piece of the world opens up again, now of two worlds. A world of conviviality, happiness and health. As a well-known American said here the other day (I am not allowed to mention his name because then I will probably be polled by the CIA!): when your environment is healthy, you are healthy. And that's how it feels here with cozy guests, happy moments in the beautiful nature and the healthy air. Without stress of being stuck in traffic, without pressure from your boss about your target of this month and without frustration about your too few vacation days.
And oh yes, at the Lost and Found, the most hilarious thing this summer was the dentures that were still on the board that I just cleared. The older people had been having lunch and had just left by car, no longer to be traced. I hope these people have laughed as hard as we do, albeit toothlessly.....
Live, love & laugh but keep your teeth in!!